Orthopedic Revolution: 3 New Technologies in Orthopedic Devices

by Viable

From robotic surgeries to smart implants, to biomaterials, the orthopedic industry has experienced a surge in new technologies. But these cutting edge technologies aren’t limited to the operation room. New technologies in post-operative orthopedic recovery devices are taking the industry by storm. Here are 3 of the best tech and materials on the market.

The 4-Points-of-Leverage System™

Developed by industry leader DonJoy®, the 4-Points-of-Leverage System is a patented bracing system designed to protect the ACL. So what are the 4 points specifically? The first point of leverage is the anterior thigh cuff. The second is the posterior calf cuff. The third is the posterior thigh strap, and the fourth is the anterior tibial strap. The fourth point generates opposing force, crucial to the brace’s support. Knee braces using this patented technology can effectively reduce ACL strain by up to 50%. Rigid braces, however, also protect other ligaments that support the knee: MCL, LCL, and PCL.

The LoPro FourcePoint Hinge™

The FourcePoint Hinge is currently the only bracing technology clinically proven to protect the ACL. The FourcePoint Hinge, though impressive on its own, is used in DonJoy®’s 4-Points-of-Leverage System. This cutting edge hinge improves the mechanical performance of a rigid brace by damping knee joint extension and reducing shear force. It works by gradually increasing the amount of resistance during knee extension, which reduces the time spent in the at-risk position. Five different resistance levels are available and can be adjusted to meet the patient’s needs during recovery. The FourcePoint Hinge, by applying gradual resistance, also helps the patient retain a more natural gait.


Used in a wide range of applications—from military vehicle armor to resorbable biomedical implants—nanoMAG’s new material allows for impressive innovation in the orthopedic recovery industry. The material is magnesium sheet. Previously, magnesium alloy sheet was cost prohibitive. But nanoMAG developed a patent-pending process to manufacture at a competitive cost. nanoMAG is 200% stronger than conventional magnesium. In fact, it provides the same strength as carbon steel but at one-fourth the weight. The lightweight nanoMAG material is perfect for orthopedic devices. It can be easily molded into an intimate fit, while still retaining the strength required to provide stabilization and reduce pain.

Viable Medical Solutions offers premium orthopedic recovery devices of the highest quality. To learn more about the available devices that feature these technologies, take a look at our product line.