by ViableMS

Hi! My name is Emily, and I want to share with you my Donjoy story! I have a pretty unique story, and my Donjoy ACL braces play a vital role. Unlike sports such as soccer, basketball, volleyball, or skiing; my sport isn’t one where your brand is yet represented by an athlete or even recognized. But nonetheless, I trust Donjoy’s ACL braces to allow me to confidently continue in my favorite extreme sport in the whole world. Skydiving. Women make up only 13% of skydivers; I am one of those lucky few. I also overcame the odds of women with a multiple serious injury history who return to jump again. My injury history is pretty extensive. Prior to skydiving I had 4 ACL surgeries on my left knee. But during my first jump, I fell in love; literally FELL in love. Unfortunately my knees wouldn’t love it as much. While landing my 11th jump I had my 5th ACL tear; this time on my right knee. I was devastated, because I knew from my prior 4 ACL tears what this meant. Another painful surgery, and another long stretch of frustrating rehab, and no skydiving. For someone as new in the sport as I was at the time, in addition to being a woman, no one expected me to return to the dropzone to skydive again. But I did. I kicked butt in therapy and 6 months later I received my bilateral pair of Donjoy ACL braces that my surgeon recommended if I insisted to continue skydiving. Nearly 400 jumps later I’ve earned an instructional rating in skydiving. I work as a coach at Jump Georgia Skydiving. I teach and train student skydivers, as well as being a mentor to new women entering our sport. I can’t tell you how many times when visiting dropzones all over the country, that people have stopped me looking my legs to ask me for what I wear these ‘bionic legs’ and where I got them. That’s where I share your brand most. I want to inspire people to not give up on something that makes them feel alive. To inspire courage, and banish defeat even after multiple injuries. That is what Donjoy has done for me. Helped me do what I love with confidence and banish defeat by not giving up simply out of fear that I could tear my ACL again for a 6th time. I don’t jump without Donjoy, and I’d love to see your brand represented in my sport. Thanks for reading, and most of all thank you for keeping me in the sky! ”

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