5 Reasons to Wear a Knee Brace

by Viable

Knee braces are used for a variety of reasons. Whether you are an athlete, an individual with a chronic orthopedic condition, or someone who has recently experienced an injury, a knee brace can help. Here are the most common reasons to wear a knee brace and the type of brace to consider.


After a knee injury, more than likely, your doctor will suggest an orthopedic recovery device. For minor injuries, a knee brace may be prescribed for as little as a week. But for serious injury, a brace may be worn for several months. These types of knee braces are known as rehabilitative braces.

Rehabilitative knee braces give you the benefit of increased mobility during recovery. They keep the weight of your knee during walking. And they’re designed to prevent your knee from overextending. Simply put, a rehabilitative knee brace keeps you from doing anything that could further injure your knee.


After recovery, when the knee has regained full functionality, it may still be a bit weakened. This is not unusual in the late stages of the healing process. During this time, it’s a good idea to wear a knee brace. These types of braces are called functional braces, and it’s a good idea to wear one if injury has occurred in the last 6 months.

Though it’s common for athletes to wear functional braces, anyone who has recovered from a recent knee injury should consider wearing one. A functional brace stabilizes, supports, and protects the knee to prevent a follow-up injury. Whether you’re engaging in sports or simply on your feet a lot, a functional brace will allow you to regain strength and reduce your risk of another injury.


A knee injury can often result in swelling, even as a result of a minor injury. When swelling occurs, there is an increase in pressure and pain. Swelling can slow down the recovery process and prevent healing. A knee brace is a great alternative to wrapping an injury with an elastic bandage. These types of braces are called compression braces.

Compression braces are convenient because they offer the consistent compression you need throughout the day without the hassle of tending to a bandage wrap. Many compression braces also have pouches built in, so you can put hot or cold packs on your knee. These pouches allow you to continue your low-activity tasks without tying up your hands holding ice on your knee.


Many people suffer with arthritis. Arthritis in the knees, at best, can make walking uncomfortable, and at worst, can prevent you from doing the things you love. Knee braces can help ease the pain of arthritis. These types of braces are called unloader braces.

An unloader brace redistributes the weight on your knee to other areas of your leg. This allows the knee to only be responsible for directing movement. Unloader braces allow you to recover mobility and participate in the activities you love. If you are an aging athlete or an individual with arthritis, it may be a good idea to consult with your doctor about using an unloader brace.


Many knee braces are used to prevent injury rather than to treat injury. Although most commonly used by athletes, knee braces should be worn by anyone who performs high activity tasks. These types of braces may be small compression or functional braces.

Braces used to prevent injury help stop the knee from being pushed too far in the wrong direction. Used while the knee has full function, preventative braces give you the comfort that a mishap is less likely to result in serious injury. Preventative braces keep your knees healthy, especially if you engage in highly active tasks.

Viable Medical Solutions has a wide range of high-quality knee braces. To see our selection of products, click here.