by ViableMS

I’ve had my DonJoy for about 10 years due to some medial meniscus issues. It has always brought immediate relief as soon as I put it on but I learned just how strong it was this week when I fell off a scooter while wearing my brace in Panama. I was wearing my brace as I always do on long-walking days (thankfully) and as I crashed into my left leg, the one with the DonJoy, the brace almost completely protected my entire leg of injury. I have one scratch on the part of my knee that wasn’t covered but that’s it! Now I know this isn’t the purpose of the brace, but not only did it break my fall, protect my leg, it also didn’t break. I’ve worn it every day since and have a whole new appreciation for the brace. 10 years old, 1 scooter crash, and it’s as great as the day I got it, other than some new, gnarly scratches. Cannot recommend this brace more.”

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